
JEE 2020 Physics solved problem series

 Sai's  Classes helping the students who are aiming IIT with a series of Physics problems solving through explanation in details The following video surely help those JEE preparing students . More videos will be uploaded; to get an update subscribe the You Tube channel.

JEE Main Solved Question 2020 Physics

 Question 4 : A uniform cylinder of mass 'M' and radius 'R' is to be pulled over a step of height 'a' (a<R) by a force 'F'at it's centre 'O' perpendicular to the plane through the axis of the cylinder on the edge of the step  as shown in figure. The minimum value of 'F' required is Answer: Apply the principle of moment about the edge of the step C Sum of clockwise moment=Sum of anticlockwise moment Just before rolling `F× R=Mg×d`---------------(1) (where d=CB from figure) Applying Pythagores theorem in 𝚫OBC `R^2=(R-a)^2+d^2` `d=sqrt(R^2-(R-a)^2)` substitute for d in (1) `F=(Mg/R)×R×sqrt(1-((R-a)/R)^2)` `F=Mg×sqrt(1-((R-a)/R)^2)` Watch Video with explanation      

Structure of Geosmin Chemical substance responsible for Pterichor; the smell of soil

The chemical substance responsible for Petrichor ie smell of soil after first shower is known as Geosmin it's structure is as shown below  Read more    

JEE Main Physics QNo:3 2020 (Solution)

 A bead of mass m stays at point P(a,b) on a wire bent in the shape of a parabola y=4Cx 2 and rotating with angular speed 𝝎.Find the value of 𝝎.       Solution: Since the path of the bead is a parabola it's velocity at P can be calculated using `V=sqrt(2gh)`(in a projectile motion vertical motion is equivalent to free fall) here h=b `therefore V=sqrt(2gb)`--------------(1) since y=`4Cx^2` here x=a and y=b `therefore``b=4Ca^2` substituting in (1) V=`sqrt(2g4ca^2)` V=`2a sqrt(2gc)` 𝝎=V/r here r=a 𝝎=`2sqrt(2gc)` (Answer)
 Dear students,  As everyone is saying "start from basics".What is basics?. Learning new concepts from experts in subjects is the normal procedure .Very important is learning from experienced teachers who are experienced to hear the students.  Expertise is important but hearing the student  achieved through patience,experience and contentment counts the most Sense the issues of individual students and try to solve their problems, solving their subject problems are secondary. Teaching a mass of student with a mass of expert teachers is one method of teaching; it has some advantage also But Sai's classes have a different way! My students are still keeping a good relation even after reaching prestigious position declares that The bond between teacher and student is not bound within the classroom or till the class time It lasts for a life time.This is the basics Sai's class is believing. Regards Sai Sundar S Sai's Classes

Electrostatics Plus2 Chapter1

Dear students Sai's classes started a series of  lectures on Electrostatics for Plus2 students The first part is an introduction ; explaining charges and its properties. Explanations are made simple to get the feel of the actual class Click the link below to see the video lecture Electrostatics Lecture Part1