
Showing posts from March, 2013


Higgsboson sathyandranath boss an indian scientist predicted its pressence

My first post

Dear friends its my first post I am trying to share some of my ideas on science and maths through this i am an engineer now engaged in training students  of plus and plus 2 both CBSE and ICSE by the grace of my teachers  iam fulfilling the task to a best level My

my first post

It is my first post i am trying to post some of the questions and solutions for science and maths Today's Question If the position time relations is given by the expression x(t)=2t 3 + 5t 2 then find the velocity and accelaration at t=2 sec also comment is the velocity of the particle zero at any instant velocity v = dx/dt v=d( 2t 3 + 5t 2 )/dt v=6t 2 +10t Velocity at t=2 sec v=6x4+10x2 velocity =24+20= 44 units accelaration=d 2 x/dt 2 =dv/dt= 12 x t+10at t=2 sec accelaration =24+10= 34 units If velocity=0 then6t 2 +10t=0 ie t(6t+10)=0 ie at t=0 or 6t+10=0 6t=-10 t=-10/6 Since time can not be negative . . . velocity is zero at t=0 ie at the start only